Welcome to Your New Life in Botswana. Just Roll With It.

Dung beetles doing their thing.

Welcome to Botswana – where the North American winter chills have given way to the African heat. The boys and I arrived safely in Gaborone on January 3rd, while our luggage decided to hang out a bit longer in Johannesburg.

Instead of embracing the situation with the poise of a seasoned traveler, I confess I channeled my inner petulant child. It was Ben and Emory who emerged as the true champions of adaptability, teaching me a lesson in rolling with the punches. They have been adapting to their new environment like pros.

For me, easing into this new chapter feels a bit like shedding the norms of our life in the U.S. like a snakeskin. It’s a constant exercise in letting go of expectations of how things should be, in favor of embracing how they actually are. Easier said than done sometimes.

Logically, we all know it will get easier and that challenges make us strong. I even have evidence! After the Peace Corps two decades ago, I was convinced I could adapt to almost anything. Now, faced with another change later in life, I find myself questioning if that resilient spirit is still there somewhere.

Reflections from Emory & Ben

Beware forced journaling for pre-teens. You get what you ask for.

Our initial forays into the Botswana experience have been nothing short of amusing. At the nearby Gaborone Game Reserve, the boys discovered a fascinating fact about male Vervet monkeys' unique undercarriages. Naturally, this became the highlight shared with friends back home – apologies to the unsuspecting parents.

Our new abode, a house that exudes a '70s diplomatic party vibe, is currently furniture-deprived. Ben and Emory, undeterred by this minor inconvenience, have turned the place into a makeshift parkour playground. The pool, a matter of paramount importance to them, is on the agenda for resuscitation.

Navigating the city's mall culture has been an eye-opener. Accustomed to avoiding malls for much of my life, Gaborone seems to be a mall enthusiast's paradise. Four malls in a day – a feat I never imagined undertaking. Restaurants, shopping, and entertainment all neatly packaged under one roof.

As we continue to navigate our new home, I’m doing my best to take a leaf out of Ben and Emory's book – embracing change with humor, adaptability, and perhaps a bit of parkour. Here's to shedding the unnecessary baggage and just rolling with it.


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