Kristen Ranville Kerecman Kristen Ranville Kerecman

White Sands and Wide Skies: Adventures on the Makgadikgadi Pans 

A stark contrast to the wildlife-filled savanna, Botswana’s Makgadikgadi Salt Pans offer a moonscape of flat nothingness – surprisingly beautiful in its own rite. Join us on a bone-jangling journey through shimmering salt flats, meerkat encounters, and starry night skies.

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Kristen Ranville Kerecman Kristen Ranville Kerecman

Robben Island: Reckoning with a Cruel Past & Hopeful Future

It is impossible to ignore the enduring impact of South Africa’s recent apartheid history. Despite the cruel past, there's a palpable sense of hope and forward-looking optimism throughout the country. We hear from one of Robben Island's living legends and dive deeper into understanding.

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Kristen Ranville Kerecman Kristen Ranville Kerecman

Cape Town with Kids

Find out why Cape Town, a city renowned for its sunny weather, coastal charm, and breathtaking vistas, consistently secures its place among the world's most beloved destinations.

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Kristen Ranville Kerecman Kristen Ranville Kerecman

How to Track a Leopard

Learn from Africa’s master trackers in Botswana’s Eastern Tuli Block as we attempt to follow the animal kingdom’s stealthy enigma: the leopard.

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Kristen Ranville Kerecman Kristen Ranville Kerecman

This is…Uncomfortable

The resistance to leave the comfort zone can be a sly saboteur. But long-term joy, growth, and satisfaction often lie on the path less cushy.

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